
낮거리 한 사나이

含閒 2006. 12. 19. 15:55

한국경제 비즈니스 유머에서 가져왔습니다.



At an art  exhibition a couple are looking at a picture that has them a little taken aback.


Three black,naked men are sitting on a park bench: two have a black penis and


 the one in the middle has a pink penis.


The artist walks by and says " I'm the artist who painted it."


The man says, " Well, we don't understand why you have three African men on the bench.


and the one in the middle has a pink penis while the other two have a black penis."


The artist says "They're not Africans, they're Irish coal miners and the one in the middle


went home for lunch."


---art exhibition : 미술전시회

---be taken aback : (뜻밖의 일을 당해) 당황하다.



어려운 단어 있으면 연락 주세요 


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