
[스크랩] 세계적인 명화 - 스티브 행크스의 女人

含閒 2012. 11. 11. 18:13


 "Black Lace Nightgown"



 "Sunshine Across the Sheets"



 "At Rest"



 "Restful Light"



"Country Comfort"






 "As Mysteries Uncover"



 "Mysteries Untold"



 Blending Into Shadows and Sheets (detail)



 Casting her Shadow (detail)



 Comfort in Solitude (detail)



 In Her Dreams 


 Forever a Mystery (detail) 



 Her Domain (detail)



 Her Time (detail)



In the Light of the Morning



 Interior View (detail)



 In Her Thoughts

10 7/8" x 7"



 Seeking the Light

6 3/4" x 10 7/8



 Sheer Grace (detail)



 Sheet's of White

7 1/2" x 10 7/8"



 Tomorrow is Just a Dream (detail)



 Dream Seekers Suite



 Yesterday is a Long Time Ago (Detail)

출처 : 演好마을
글쓴이 : 靑波 원글보기
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